It will be more challenging to live on Earth in the future. More money should be spent researching planets like Mars. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? (space exploration topics)
As humans become too vulnerable on Earth, some believe people/governments should pour more money into space research because of the quest for a new homeland. I agree with this view.
On the one hand, it is undeniable that the Earth can no longer sustain human lives. Firstly, environmental degradation is happening rapidly, leading to natural resource depletion. One potent example is the need for clean water, particularly in developing countries, which is becoming more severe and insurmountable. In addition, fighting the greenhouse effect, which has resulted in not only climate change but also the destruction of habitat, is becoming more arduous and expensive than ever. This is partly because of the reliance on fossil fuels: the more humans use them, the more severe pollution they would cause.
On the other hand, space exploration has been crucial in revolutionizing humanity's civilization. One reason is that it is discovering the mysteries of the universe, which also offers humans knowledge about planet Earth. For instance, the information collected from space robes helped people explain the origin of the Earth. Another reason is that many ultramodern technologies stem from space research. Satellite technology, from which satellite television and GPS devices have been invented, is one of them. Researching into other planets has produced many spin-offs for solving problems on Earth.
In conclusion, I would restate that space exploration is essential and worthy of development because this planet is becoming too dangerous for humanity to live on.
261 words
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